Mapping the Mojo (in-the-works)

Bamboo: wild, giant grass that is as strong as steel when it must be, and flexible as wind because it can be.
 "Bamboo produces new canes (culms) in the Spring. These shoots emerge out of the ground and grow in height and diameter for around 60 days. ... Bamboo is a member of the grass family. It is a colony plant, so it uses energy from this existing plant to produce more plants and expand the root structure." - Lewis Bamboo

This page is for my mo'opuna (my grandchild). Other readers may find it interesting, too.

 June 3, 2020

Dear one,
Someday you may be curious to know the many stories your tutu has written. Here is a place to find many of those stories. Storytelling is a family trait that passed to me from my Daddy, David Calizar Sr. He loved to tell me and my brother David about his life growing up on the plantations on the Windward Side of O'ahu, the same side of O'ahu that you and your daddy and mommy live. I think that is a good story right there.

I wrote most of these stories on the internet. You know the internet. I didn't know the internet when I was a girl, but got to know it in time to create a map you could discover. The
Map of the Mojo should be easy for you to follow. I'll help if I'm still around to answer your questions and your Daddy is good at these things. He'll help until you get ma'a.

I am so happy you are on your way, and love you with all my heart!

xo Tutu

P.S. I'll always be around to help🤟

(map coming soon)

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